The Official Drama Queen

In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE the ATTENTION.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

suffering from ocd - obsessive cullen disorder

this is the reason why i have been neglecting my blog for the past few weeks. i am hooked on the twilight saga. or addicted, as my boyfriend likes to describe it.

i actually didn't plan on reading the twilight saga. even if most of my friends were hooked on it when it first came out, i didn't plan on reading it coz in all honesty, vampires didn't really appeal to me. but when i came across the books on ebay, which were selling for a mere Php 1,000 for all four books, i thought, what the hell, might as well see what the fuss was all about.

2 weeks and four and a half books later, i am completely sold on the whole cullen universe. i just can't seem to put it down! i keep reading and re-reading the whole series, and i even downloaded the outtakes and first few chapters of the foiled midnight sun from stephenie meyer's website. i just can't get enough of edward and bella!

though the series wasn't perfect (as the case of breaking dawn), i was amazed at how stephenie was able to let us imagine and fantasize about her whole fictional universe. the series made me wish i was bella and that edward was real. i envy at how stephenie was able to make this all possible.

but now that the whole series is done, midnight sun is on hold, i am now looking forward to my next cullen fix- the twilight movie coming out in november! i can't wait.

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