The Official Drama Queen

In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE the ATTENTION.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I never imagined this day would come...

In case some of you don't know, I'm a huge Apple loyalist. I have been working with Apple machines since I was 7, working on my Dad's ancient Macintosh Classic, so it's no surprise that Apple is my brand of choice because:

    1. It's very reliable. It won't crash or get viruses unlike PCs and PC-based gadgets.

    2. The design is superb, thanks to Apple's Golden Boy Johnny Ive.

    3. Let's face it, Steve Jobs just comes up with all these cool gadgets that you would have to have.

So for years, I've been pretty much happy with all the Apple products I've had my whole life--from my ancient Grape iMac to my 5th Gen U2 iPod...till now.

The U2 iPod was pretty much a dream come true for me--a collaboration between the two gods of my life--the rock gods of U2 and the geek god that is Steve Jobs. The ultimate dream team for I was a U2 and Apple fanatic.

Plus it didn't hurt that it also had the coolest design: black case front and back, with a red click wheel and U2's autographs laser etched at the back.

I was so excited for it that I actually went on leave the day it was released and dragged Biker Boi to the nearest Power Mac Center so I can buy myself one. I've been really happy with it for the past 2 (give or take) years I've had it, till I was about to update it the other day and saw this:

It was the iPod sad face, and from what I've heard, it was the Mac equivalent to the blue screen of death. Oh no! I panicked, since this was the first time I've encountered a problem with any of my Apple gadgets. But I was still hopeful and optimistic as I handed it over to the Apple Service Center technician for repair. It can still be fixed, right?

Turns out I was dead wrong. I just received a call from my Apple technician today, and apparently, my beloved U2 iPod had a busted dock connector, and for that, they would need to replace the whole motherboard. I was advised against having it repaired, since the cost for a new motherboard is almost the same price as a new iPod. I can hardly believe my ears because this never happens with an Apple product...this never happens! I felt my happy Apple bubble pop.

I was offered a trade-in where I would hand over my U2 iPod and be given the iPod Classic as a replacement, for 10% off the regular price. It would have been a good deal except this was the U2 iPod we're talking about. It has U2's-FREAKIN-BONO'S SIGNATURE at the back! No way I would hand it over... Besides, with the news of U2 leaving Apple, my iPod can actually be a collector's item (if you can even call a gadget that). So with tears welling up in my eyes, I grudgingly told them to just ship back the damn thing--broken motherboard and all.

I'm still in denial about the whole thing. I still can't believe that my beloved iPod is beyond repair. I still can't believe that for the first time in years, Apple failed me. Why oh why oh why oh why oh why?!?

Damn you Steve Jobs for making me so dependent on your technology!
Damn you Johnny Ive for making me drool over your designs!
Damn you Bono (and U2) for leaving Apple for Blackberry!

Now excuse me while I search eBay for a replacement U2 the meantime, any ideas what I can do with a dead 'Pod?

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