The Official Drama Queen
In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE the ATTENTION.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Saturday, August 09, 2008
it's all about the drama
-- confucius
i am drying my tears as i write this entry. because i had just finished watching the opening ceremonies of the 2008 beijing olympics. i guess i was so moved by the theatrics of the whole thing--guys running up and down the wall of the bird's nest and everything. ron still couldn't understand why i'm making this event such a big deal. i just told him: "who doesn't love a big production number?"
the whole olympics fever is all over our office. probably because our network has the exclusive rights for the coverage and everyone is busy doing olympics-related inspirational plugs and stuff. well, except our team, because we're pretty much preoccupied with our season premiere next month. but that doesn't mean i'm not looking forward to the following:

michael phelps. i think he's hot.
not just because he has killer abs and shoulder blades,
but because he was named the fastest man on water.
now how cool is that?

synchronized swimming.
i love ballet and i love the water.
and synchronized swimming is, ballet on water.
need i say more?

rhythmic gymnastics.
i wonder how these girls manage not to get tangled in all that ribbon.
and i always marvel at the grace and beauty these gymnasts have.
plus it reminds me (again) of ballet.
on second thought, athletes always have to wake up insanely early to maybe not. i'll just leave the physical stuff to the pros and just stick to watching them. i can't wait.
damn you steve jobs!
because i have been lusting over the white 3g iphone for months now. it would look so perfect with my ibook and ipod. *seesh* i can be such a geek sometimes.
why does apple have to create so many cool stuff that ordinary human beings would love to have, but then have to pay and arm and a leg for? it. is. so. unfair.
i have been contemplating about buying the iphone when it first came out, but then i convinced myself not to because of the following reasons:
1. it is very expensive for a phone. i mean, paying 20+k for a phone? i would understand a pricey notebook or a camera, but a phone is just so impractical. besides, i heard the built-in camera wasn't that good.
2. it is not supported locally. the original iphone did not officially come out here in the philippines, but it was still available courtesy of our trusty greenhills and our friendly neighborhood smugglers. i wasn't comfortable with that set-up and i wanted my iphone (if i do purchase one) to be legal with my service provider.
3. it's not production-friendly. since my work heavily relies on texting clients and the crew back and forth for shoots, its keyboard-less setup is quite hard for me, since it makes it close to impossible to text someone at lightning speed. which means i would always end up calling everyone, which will take my already sky-high phone bill to the roof.
so i was content and happy with my trusty nokia when apple suddenly announced the birth of the 3g iphone a few months ago--meaning it is a new and improved version of the iphone and it comes in white. it didn't help either that globe suddenly announced that they are officially distributing the 3g iphone here in the philippines late this year.
that is so not good because now i want one. i want. i want. i want one!!!
Labels: geek chic, pop culture
Friday, August 08, 2008
and so i begin. again.
i originally wanted to start with a clean slate; a new layout, erase the old entries and have a new web address. because so many things have happened in my life--good and bad, that i felt i needed a fresh new start. for the fresh new me.
but then i figured that even if i try to erase my past and "start anew", my past will still be my past and no amount of deleting can change that, for it has shaped who i am now. like it or not, it is and will always be a part of me.
so the blog stays as it is--with a spankin' new layout (coz i got tired of my old one). i hope you guys will like it as much as i do.
welcome to the chaotic world of the official drama queen... where there's always so much drama, and so little time.