The Official Drama Queen

In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE the ATTENTION.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


On my iPod: Do You Think I’m Sexy by Paris Hilton
I recently realized that I am addicted to shoes. I was cleaning my place the other day and I decided to count the pairs of shoes that I owned and guess how many pairs I have? Fifty. No joke. Fifty pairs. One hundred pieces of shoes.
I was talking to my guy best friend a while ago and he said that I needed help. I know he was kidding, so I just told him: “It’s a girl thing.” Which got me to thinking: What is it with women and shoes?
My eyes were first opened to shoes at the age of 5, when I saw my grandmum’s shoe closet. It was like heaven to me, imagine, floor to ceiling closet full of shoes a’la In Her Shoes. Right then and there I promised to myself that when I grow up, I’m gonna have a closet just like that. Hence, 18 years and fifty pairs of shoes later, I now have a problem. No wonder my place always looks cluttered.
I was talking to my mum a week ago and she suggested that I move to a bigger place that has a spare room that I can dedicate to my shoes. As tempting as it sounds, I quickly pointed to her that is no way I could afford a bigger place.
But recently, I got inspired and I thought of a solution to my shoe problem. Since Christmas is around the corner, I would… (drumroll please) donate all the shoes that I haven’t worn in 6 months to those who will need it most. I think it would be a rewarding (but hard) experience for me (since I have grown attached to my collection). But hey, it would be so much cheaper than seeing a shrink.
P.S. – Shortly after I wrote this, I went to the mall and saw a big bold sign that read: SHOE SALE and I ended up buying three pairs. Goes to show that there is indeed an Imelda in all of us.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bitchy Mondays

On my iPod: I’m Only Happy When It Rains by Garbage

I’m sure you all had a day like this: woke up late, you’re having a bad hair day, forgot your cellphone in your locked house, then you realized that you forgot your house keys, forgot to charge your iPod, then you realize that you forgot the charger (again, inside your locked house) and traffic is killer on your way to the office. And it’s just 9:23 in the morning.

Gosh. You would think because I am 20-something I should (at least) get my act together. But the thing is, I am still as messed up as I was when I was fresh out of college. And it has been 3 years. Which makes me wonder: Is there really such a thing as getting your act together?

I used to bitch about hating my job, wanting to move on, being financially independent and coming home to an empty house. At the time I was in a deep, dark place… I was lost. Now that I finally have a job that I love, I am (more or less) financially independent and I have two wonderful poodles to come home to, I still feel that my life is a mess. I look at my place and it’s one big mess.

Those who have been to my place—I know what you guys are thinking. I should do a spring clean overhaul one of these days. My mom actually thinks I should have a separate bedroom just for my shoes and bags (she said that after opening my closet one day and all my bags avalanched on top of her). Kidding aside, I guess that’s what makes me me. You know, the whacked, crazy and carefree me. Sure, I would love to be all OC-ish like my best friend, Isla (the woman lives on E-Z store boxes, I’m telling you) but then I think about it, it’s so not my style. I’m bohemian, cluttered, with all those “artistic mess” crap that I’ve been telling my mom since I was 12 (“Honey, you’re a dancer, not a painter!”). But it also made me think: maybe I am not as grown up as I think. It’s true that I am living the life that I had always envisioned since I was a kid, but in a lot of ways, I am still a kid. Cartoon-watching, PS2-playing, Cocoa Puffs-eating kid. And I still have a long way to go. God, I hate Mondays.

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

i'm baaack!

i'm baaack!

believe me. with my new schedule, i usually end up dead tired whenever i get home. don't get me wrong, i love my job and everything, but sometimes, it's just dead tiring. especially the commute. so that is my big excuse for not posting for the longest time. anyway, since i have done most of my things in my to do list here---->

i therefore promise to update this little blog of mine regularly. so there.