The Official Drama Queen

In case you haven't noticed, I LOVE the ATTENTION.

Monday, January 10, 2005

death upon my fairy tales

"someday, my prince will come..."

i was asked by a friend of mine yesterday if i liked fairy tales and if i believed in them. well, as a kid, my dad used to read me all these tales about snowhite, sleeping beauty and cinderella (his version actually, he told me vanilla ice was the performer on prince charming's ball, and everyone was dancing to the tune of "ice ice baby". nice one, dad). even so, i never did agree with fairy tales. you see, they always portray women as helpless beings and that the only thing they can be proud of is their beauty. they either lie around sleeping or locked in a tower waiting for their handsome prince charming to come and rescue them. whatsupwidat?!?

in my opinion, fairy tales teaches kids, especially girls that women are basically the weaker sex. so not true, because it has been proven over and over again that anything guys can do, women can do better. why do you think we had two lady presidents? or why do you think the leaders in the top industries are women? simply because we know how to rule. we command both poise and power, something that guys cannot do.

so sue me, walt disney, cause chicks rock!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

new year's revolution

unlike what my what my title suggests, this is not a wrestling article (although i would love to write about randy orton, but that's for another post, i guess). hehe. since it's already a new year, i thought i would write about my new year's resolutions for this year (i know it's late, but hey, this is my page). so for the year 2005, i resolve to:

1. continue smoking

2. be a couch potato & not exercise

3. be a junkfood junkie (veggies are a no-no!)

4. not leave this country

5. spend my cash on worthless gimmicks and not replace donatello (my pc)

ok, before you say that i'm crazy, there is a rational explanation for my resolutions. well, in the past, never was i able to keep my resolutions so for this year, i know better. go figure. hehehe.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

10 things i bet you don't know about me...

1. i can make my toes "hold hands"

2. when i was a kid, i thought i was a robot, like the kid in the defunct 80's show small wonder

3. my mom still calls me "her baby"

4. i collect superman comic books, but i still don't have the death of superman

5. my first ambition was to be an airforce pilot

6. i sometimes dream in animation

7. because of my grandma's influence, i am a big wrestling freak ever since i was 7 years old

8. i was once in batibot

9. when i was doing my thesis, i ate raw coffee in order to wake up

10. i can't watch tv with my head straight, i always have to tilt it sideways